These are some of our favourite products to support your child at home.

Click the links below to purchase some of our favourite products.

  • Weighted Blanket

    A weighted blanket can offer several benefits, such as improving sleep quality, reducing anxiety and stress, increasing feelings of calmness and relaxation, promoting deeper relaxation, and providing a sense of comfort and security. Its deep pressure touch can also stimulate the release of serotonin and melatonin hormones, which can help improve mood and regulate sleep-wake cycles.

  • Ear Defenders

    Provide Calmness & Focus to your Child. 65% of children with autism are oversensitive to sound. Get them childrens ear defenders and reduce the sounds that are upsetting to them.

    Protect your Kid's Ears. 17% of young people have hearing loss from noise exposure. Wearing kids' ear defenders kids for noise reduction in the right situations protects them from hearing damage.

  • Pop it Fidget Toy Keyboard

    Pop-up Keyboard

    This is a fun way to introduce the keyboard and introduce letter position. Touch typing has numerous benefits, including increased typing speed and accuracy, improved productivity, reduced strain on the hands and wrists, and better posture. It can also help individuals with dyslexia or other learning disabilities, as well as those who use a computer frequently for work or personal use.